Monday, August 30, 2010

8. Whirl pool of Time & Universe

From previous posts, lets continue with our analysis to find how traveling to the past could be possible. Consider the train example that we had seen in my previous post. You are traveling by Train from East to West and reached the station A where you get down and catch the train that travels backward, West to East and you reach Station B.

1. Here the railway tracks, which run in parallel can be viewed as parallel universes.
2. The trains can be realized as the space-craft or vehicle that travels through time, probably a Time Machine. 3. 3. The stations A & B, where you cross the platform and reach the parallel universe, can be considered as the points of contact between the two universes.

Sometimes physicists come up with crazier ideas and theories! This happens most of the times when the current physics or knowledge is not enough to explain the nature's phenomena. Parallel universes is a similar concept. While physicist say that we aren't the only universe that is present. Other parallel universes may coexist with ours, the only difference is time, I would ask them why do you expect that there will be a difference in time between the parallel universes?! According to me, may be or may not be. What if the parallel universes are running on same time?!

In order to proceed further with our example, we need to understand the fundamental concepts behind this phenomena. We all know that in our universe, apart from matter there is empty space but it's not really empty as it consists of dark matter or vacuum energy. Also, there are black holes exist in those dark matter. Black hole is nothing but a hole that observes everything and reflects nothing. Lets consider an iron piece as an example for black body. At room temperature, black bodies emit mostly infrared wavelengths, but as the temperature increases past a few hundred degrees Celsius, black bodies start to emit visible wavelengths, appearing red, orange, yellow, white, and blue with increasing temperature. By the time an object is white, it is emitting substantial ultraviolet radiation.

Similarly (according to the general theory of relativity) a black hole, is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. It is the result of the deformation of space-time caused by a very compact mass. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.

What does this black hole have to do with Time travel? Due to its unique behavior of attraction and absorption, black hole does not only swallows the matter and light, also it bends (actually twists) the matter and light that is hit at its event horizon. What is event horizon? Around a black hole there is an undetectable surface which marks the point of no return of that black hole. Even Light can't escape from its force.

There are two types of black holes:
1. Resting black holes - These have clean spherical event horizons.
2. Rotating black holes - These black holes have distorted, non-spherical event horizons due to it's whirlpool.

The event horizon is not a material surface but rather merely a mathematically defined demarcation boundary, nothing prevents matter or radiation from entering a black hole, only from exiting one. Provided this fact, physicists also believe that when black hole passes through our galaxy it just simply twists the matter, light and surprisingly also the Time! So, a universe filled with time that flowed like a rotating fluid. Anyone walking along the direction of rotation would find oneself back at the starting point, but backwards in time!

It's surprising, at least, to me because I don't see Time as a bendable attribute of this universe. Either I didn't understand Time completely or physicists fell for the nature's illusion! Also they say that black hole may help us to travel faster than the speed of Light. Given this, during the twisting, a whirl pool of space and time is created! When the whirl pool is twisting time and space, there will be two paths of same time and space current. I mean, the current of time and space is split into two parallel instances which are whirling around the black hole.

During this whirl, two things would be happening.
1. Matter would be whirling around the black hole at it's own speed which is slower than the speed of Light.
2. Light would be whirling around the black hole at the speed of itself (c).

Now, if we start our journey via space craft from one side of the pool to the other side, in other words, one time reference to the other across black hole, then we may be able to reach the other side even before matter and Light would reach as if black hole supports a matter to travel faster than the speed of Light with its huge amount of energy that it consists of. Inside the black hole as the matter travels faster than Light, Time ends up stand still! It sounds like a virtual shortcut but it's hypothetically, yet scientifically, believed to be true!

On the other hand, due to gravitational time dilation (similar to twin paradox) while a distant observer can see the effects like clock slowing down or red-shift, etc of the object that falls at the event horizon, an observer, who is falling into a black hole, does not notice any of these effects as he crosses the event horizon. According to his own clock, he crosses the event horizon after a finite time, although he is unable to determine exactly when he crosses it, as it is impossible to determine the location of the event horizon from local observations.

However, many physicists could not accept the idea of time standing still at the radius of the black holes, and there was little interest in the subject for over 20 years. Sometimes, I ask myself, 'Did even Einstein fall for the illusionist, so called Time?'!

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