Monday, August 30, 2010

9. Is Time truly a 4th dimension of an object?

This is the question that has been swirling around in my mind ever since my interest turned towards to 'Time'. I started to study Einstein's special and general theories of relativity and other concepts in order to find the answer for my question.

However, even after studying all these theories, still, personally I feel that 'Time is not truly the 4th dimension'! What all I found was that Clock slows down or it may even stop when we travel at the speed of light. All the rest of the concepts that were developed until today are completely based on and prove only the concept called 'Time dilation'.

What if the basic theory itself is wrong? What if Time is not even a true 4th dimension? In order to find the answers, let's start with the basics of 'Dimensions'.What is a dimension? We all know that all the objects in this universe is made up in 3 dimensions. Also, at least till now, we don't know if at all there are more dimensions to it! Anyway that's not our interest and let's stick to our topic. Yes, they are 1st, 2nd & 3rd dimensions but how do we define a dimension? or In other words, what are their key characteristics?

I would say,
1. It is the magnitude of an object in a particular direction.
2. It should be applicable to all the objects in this universe.
3. If we take a dimension, then we should be able to move forward or backward in its direction.
and not but not least,
4. The variation of that dimension should not impact its lower dimensions.

Let's consider the 'space' attribute of a 'Cube' for example. We all know that it's an object that occupies three dimensional space. Now let's validate one of it's position in space with the above definitions one by one.
1. Yes, height is a magnitude of a cube.
2. Yes, it's applicable to all the objects in this universe (considering a fact that even a two dimensional object has zero or close to zero magnitude of height).
3. Yes, we can move the cube up and down in the direction of its height.
4. Yes, moving in the direction of height does not impact or require any change in the cube's length or width.

Now, consider Time coordinates for the same cube. We all know that as a 4th dimension, time cuts through all the objects in this universe. Now, let's validate..

1. Yes, time is a magnitude of a cube.
2. Yes, it's applicable to all the objects in this universe (even a stand still stone has time attached to it).
3. Yes, according to relativity theories, we can move forward (to the future) and backward (to the past).
but how about the last one? Can we go to the future and to the past without moving in space?
4. The answer is partially 'yes'. That's because time flows only in one direction all the time. Every bit of a second, we move forward in time through the present. We can't skip the present and jump to the future while staying on earth. Moreover, we cannot move backward in time or travel to the past because time doesn't run backward.

Even the clock on space craft that moves at the speed of light will not run backward. It still runs forward! This ensures that time is uncontrollable and beyond our scope of ability to manipulate. In order to be a dimension of an object, a magnitude should be an attribute of the object and it defines the object itself. Time does NOT fall under this category. It is an old man river and it just flows in its direction whether you measure it or not. For sake of argument, if Time is considered as 4th dimension, then it shouldn't be possible to apply or tag a specific time on top of the 2 dimensional object! That's because 3rd dimension cannot rest on 1st dimension.

Let's say X- 1st dimension, Y-2nd dimension, Z-3rd dimension and T(Time)- 4th dimension are the four dimensions.
1. Y cannot be applied to zero dimensional object, say a dot. Even if it is applied, 'dot' becomes 'line' and line is a valid one dimensional object. So, Y can be transformed or broken down into it's lower dimension, that is X.
2. Z cannot be applied to X, if it happens, they Z should be Y. Still, even if it happens, there is no harm because the one dimensional 'line' becomes a two dimensional 'square'. So, it's still a valid two dimensional object.
3. What's about T? Can T be applied to a 2 dimensional object? Even if it is applied, will the two dimensional square become three dimensional cube? A time tagged line can never become a square!
4. Also, a time can be tagged into a specific event! Though an event can be broken down into individual moving frames of an object, the final frame of a motion can be considered as a completed event and it can be referred or tagged to that specific point of time of occurrence.

Time can be given a 'Dimensional' designation only in the space-time matrix! In reality, it is just another attribute to refer an object or event for our convenience and it doesn't define the object itself. Why are we convenient or why do we need Time? Simple because we are also bound to Time. Time is not truly a 4th dimension of objects, it is just another attribute or tag that is stuck on top of any object or event for our convenience and needs!

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